I fixed the feed!


Anyone who's subscribed to the blog feed and noticed it wasn't working recently, youknow now, because you're reading this, that I've fixed it. I'm pondering some additional features, too. This might just turn into something after all. Paul

New hardware on the way


I've got a Griffin iMic coming (Thanks to Jeff, my announcer for the hook-up), so my audio quality should be back where I want it to be soon. Paul

Tech, No Babel audioblogger episode pt.2


Help me out by either calling 206-350-TNoB (8662) or emailing an audio file to technobabelhost@gmail.com. I need you to say your name, where you're located, and "And you're listening to Tech, no Babel." Also hear about me learning from my own advice.

this is an audio post - click to play

Audioblogger test


As a stop-gap measure, I'm thinking about using audioblogger to make new TNB shows. Soon I hope to fix this issue and be able to podcast with greater sound quality again. Paul

this is an audio post - click to play

Newer features and ways to help.


I have posted some stuff on the site that I haven't mentioned in the podcast, yet. I have a link to my RSS feed (to the right) from Digg.com. Digg is a social bookmarking service like slashdot, except users decide what stories are featured by "digging" them. My feed will show you what stories I think are cool, not that I'm the end all be all, but it's fun to see what other people read. Additionally, I've been using del.icio.us (that's it's url) to bookmark things that I find online. This way my bookmarks are available no matter what computer I go to. If you'd like to see those go to My Del.icio.us page by clicking that link or subscribe to the RSS feed of those links (also to the right), too. Fun stuff there including a place where you can create mp3 ringtones from your mp3s for free. Paul

Have you ever done something big and not known it?


Fall 2003, I shoot a "Man on the Street" video. During the shoot we talk to a college student who says, "I'm a witch; you wouldn't want to talk to me." We did. I don't remember the queston; I think we didn't get any footage we used there. We just talked to him for a few minutes about nothing too big. Last Friday, I talked to a friend of mine who said, "Where can I get archive footage of an 'old man on the street' video?" I asked her why. She told me this story: "I was going through some old emails from my fiancee. It was just too hard to keep them. I came across one where he mentioned some guys from some church with a camera came up to him on campus and talked to him. He said, 'I'm a witch', but they wanted to talk to him anyway. "I couldn't believe it; I had to call his mom. She said that this incident led him to start asking the questions that led him to give his live to Christ. "'What', I said. 'I never knew that.' She said that for his birthday, on December 19, he asked that his brother investigate this stuff, too. His brother, another witch, did and decided that this Jesus stuff was for him, too. "Right before Christmas, he and I had a fight. He was saying, 'What if one of us dies? Who will we hold onto?" I thought he was cheating on me. I slammed the car door. That was the last time I talked to him. He and his brother were killed the next day. "I asked his mom if she remembered the name of this church. 'Something weird. Query or Question.' 'Quest?' I responded. 'Yeah, that's it. I went there one time after he died. You'd like it. Lot's of young people; kinda like a concert.' "Do you realize that I'm a member of the tech team at that church?" As she finished, I realized that I was a part of someone coming home, right before he died. I had done God's will and hadn't realized it. The Lord, God of the Universe used my friend Dave and I in a huge, eternity changing way, right before two young men died. I wept. Why do I get to do this? I'm humbled and amazed. Occasionally, you get a glimpse of the power of God. Wow. Paul

New episode? or wait.


I have a new episode in the can, sort of. I recorded it with my computer's built-in mic b/c of some problems I've been having with my regular set-up. The audio is over modulated and sounds bad. The info is good if you can get past the audio. So here's the question. Should I a) post it anyway; content is king. b) keep put it online, but not in the rss feed. c) re-record, given that I don't have time to do it until next week's show. What do you think? I've tried tweaking it all I can and it's not getting better. Paul

Big Announcement--"If it's Tech..."


If you listen to a lot of tech-related podcasts, you're likely to hear, "This is the techpodcast network; if it's tech, it's here." Beginning with the next episode of "Tech, No Babel", you'll hear those words. Tech, No Babel is now a member of the "Tech Podcast Network." Hopefully this will bring more listeners. Thanks for all your comments thusfar. Hopefully now that my church's new building is mostly done, I can spend a little more time putting out regular podcasts. Paul Tech Podcast Network

Let's try this again. Episode 6 (in it's entirety)


Click the title or here for the current episode. Really. No, I'm not joking this time. Paul



It looks like the file is corrupted (too short). I'll try again soon. Paul

Episode 6 isn't vapourware after all


I've promised it for some time. Now, my sound scene tour of "Campus 410" of Quest Community Church in Lexington, KY. Download it by clicking the title above or here. BTW, if you want to subscribe to the xml feed, it's to the right. Paul

Editing software suggestions?


As you might know, I'm using Audacity. My latest podcast is almost ready, but I've had to do some strange stuff to make it work. When I first imported the open, it was way too slow. When I imported the announcer's VO, it was way too fast. I might need to use something else. Keeping in mind that I have no budget and am using OS X to edit, anyone have any ideas? Paul P.S. The next podcast might (crosses fingers) be released tonight.

Ever Been in the Desert and not known it?


It was 9:00 Eastern time in Lexington, KY. We're not a huge city, but with several hundred-thousand, I wouldn't say we're a small town either. I was at my church's new building. We were thirty minutes out from our first service. I stepped out of the final run-through to see a stream of cars pouring into our parking lot. It wasn't that long ago that five or six carloads of new people was a big deal. Today, our parking lot was full of them. I couldn't help but say a little prayer asking for what part God would have me do in all this. I knew one part--run the new third camera. You see, we're a cutting edge church. We don't own an organ. Until recently we didn't even own an acoustic piano. Our people wear whatever they want to. Our pastor talks about how much God wants to "hang with you" (it sounds so much cooler when he says it). Great ideas are hard to implement without the correct tools, though. Now, I'd just stepped out of an 861 seat auditorium, that would soon be at 70% capacity, with intelligent light fixtures, three video cameras, four projectors, two projection televisions, etc. It could have been overwhelming. In some ways it was, as we all learned our new equipment, but in other ways it was simple. We'd been squeezing $100 of usefulness out of $1 worth of equipment for so long, that this felt easy. I was running a camera with a manual lens that responded effortlessly in my hands. My director hit buttons on the switcher and had immediate, predictable results. Lighting cues could be viewed on a monitor connected to the new console instead of being guessed at or scrawled on a legal pad. We'd seen God do so many miraculous things (I mean miraculous!), that we'd grieved leaving the old place. The truth is, the best is yet to come in the promised land that God gave to us. Paul

Sound scene podcast coming...soon I hope


I did a recording on Saturday of a walkthrough of my church's new building. K7.net and my cell phone made it possible. I just need to cut together the three files as the walk through took longer than the voice mail could handle. Stay tuned. Paul

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